In 2021, the premiere of Australian Standfirst’s 30-minute landmark animation, “Australia’s Economic Story Explained”, provides Australia the first complete economic guiding light, unpacking the nation’s unique economic history from World War Two to today.
This is not a history lesson, nor a simple chronology of events, but a way to cut through the noise and glues together what otherwise may first appear to be unrelated fragments into one simple, clear, panoramic picture.
Providing an unprecedented, in-depth and relatable viewpoint, this animation takes us on a journey that marries the post-war Australian experience with evolving global forces and significant cultural shifts.
Illuminating history to students and adding confidence to investors’ understandings through a shared explanation about how we came to be.
Australia’s Economic Story Explained brings to light how these forces influenced Australian life, the fabric of our economy and our relationship with an increasingly globalising world.
Explaining that while wars, new technologies and even sporting triumphs visibly changed the face of the country, global economic forces pushed and pulled us in ways that haven’t been well communicated to Australians until now.
To be a confident investor, to achieve meaningful impact throughout society and to share a common explanation about how Australia’s economy came to be, has never been more important.
Join Australia’s Funds Management Thought Leader, Australian Standfirst in 2021 for the premiere of the nation’s defining economic story.